i need help
i love the movie ive watched as many as i can find but dur to the circumstance that the scerese is made by diff ppl and there is so much shit that pops when u search for ff4 its virtualy impossable to find all the episodes(ive tryed) u need a page to show all the episodes or tom needs to set up a colection page there quality flash and if theres any way u could get a ling too all the episodes to me via e mail plz do so at beebo87@yahoo.com now i gues ill actualy talk about the movie i just cant get enough of the story the orge fda-ness,the bard bashing,the palom harass ment,and jeffs samart ass remarks through out the seres.the movie also has a very importat moral never mess with a bards balls hell go crazy(witch is very funny by the way i laughd till i cryed) plz anser my desperat call for help